Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why is it important to Minister to Men?

Ministry to men is essential to winning the families to Jesus!

If the man in the family comes to the Lord, the family will likely come to know Jesus. If the man comes to the Lord, there is a greater possibility that the marriage will stay together.  When the man comes to the Lord, it is more likely the children will be raised with both parents in the home.

The who is easy...the how that is the challenge.

Men who come to church to see an event or are brought by their wife or children and begins to attend in a passive have seen them arms crossed in and out as quickly as possible, smile and move on, shake a hand and move quickly past. So how?

Engage with the man. Men are more naturally drawn to men who look like them. Look like them? Yes, it could be nationality, race, dress, grooming or anyone of a number of things. This is one of the values  of a highly diversified congregation. It makes it easier to draw people to Jesus when the congregation is mixed. It is almost guaranteed that there is someone in the congregation that they will be comfortable. The initial conversation will stem from this humble beginning.

I have had the opportunity as I moved around the country with my family, to introduce myself to a number of churches in a number of cities. I looked for people who looked like business people because that is what I am. When I came to San Francisco, I walked into Glad Tidings Church Pastor greeted me in a fresh and honest way. It has been twelve years I am active and leading men in ministry, which is Glad Tidings Men's Ministry International.

I found someone that was "like" me and that was the introduction.

Once engaged, ask them out for coffee, find their interests and then invite them to a Men's Meeting or some other event to introduce him to other men.  Once interested the man will be open to other kinds of involvement.

Expose the world to Jesus, one man at a time.

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