We will want to live our faith, all the time. It is always being responsible and capable of having our lives being placed under a microscope. The reality is that our lives are under a microscope, God's microscope. We will be held accountable for every word and every action. So why not make it worth something and take on the mantle of being an accountability partner for those who are newer in the faith and for a youth. The role of accountability partner, for you, will have to be approved by your leadership or your Senior Pastor. This is an important step, getting the approval, we are all under authority.
In private: A man's character is really revealed, when he thinks, no one is watching. Take this time as preparation, for the majority of your time when you are being watched. I was watching a video on Affiliate Marketing a few weeks ago. The video was talking about being successful. The person on the video was describing the results of what we put into us. It was secular in nature, but he did refer to Joel Olsteen at one point. His message was, what we put in will determine what comes out. Garbage in garbage out. So in your private time be sure to feed yourself with prayer, Bible Study, Christian Literature and spend time with Spiritual Warfare Prayers, which will increase your ability to increase the Kingdom. When you are working in private do the best work you can do. What you do in private will be revealed and also revealed in your public life. They should be the same!
In public: What you do, where you are seen and how you act are important, very important. Early in my Christian Walk, I heard someone say when there is Church we should be in Church. For the most part I believe this to be true. If Jesus is first in our life, then our wife then family, you will have order and peace. Church functions need to fit into this scheme. There are basics to be fed and to feed others. Certainly Sunday, Wednesday or mid week, at least one ministry commitment, special fasts and prayer meetings. These are the basics, which you should be not just attending but being a great contributor.
How you act in public, whether Church related or not, will be what the people see. The newer Christians and the youth will relate to and follow. Be aware, when you are in public, everything you do will be public. The mantle of leadership, which you have chosen to take on has a burden associated with it. It is important that you wear it as Christ would have you wear it. When you falter or fail, confess, ask for forgiveness and move forward in the Lord.
When your private and public life is reflective of what you would like to see in others, you will begin to see it in others.
So the iron sharpening iron has begun. The next step is for you to have an accountability partner for your life. A Christian stronger than you, one who will tell you the truth, support your walk, pray with you and be your mentor in the Lord. This relationship would be approved by your leadership.
Men in ministry, now you are ready, the foundation is laid for you to be an iron sharpener, an accountability partner for someone else, leadership approved. Once this is established your commitment is to be available, on a scheduled basis, unless you are mentoring someone who is in crisis. Available and committed to pray for that person, meet with them, pray together, be in ministry together, talk about life and the trials of life together. You are the accountability partner that is the strength figure so you will not be sharing the deepest with this person more than likely they could not handle the burden in this stage of their walk.
One thing I find amazing in the Book of Nehemiah. Before he did anything he prayed. I fall short of this myself, but I hold Nehemiah as a standard for my life. Paul of course next to Jesus may be the ultimate standard in many ways and he says pray continuously!
Prayer is the armor to allow iron to sharpen iron!
Glad Tidings Mens Ministry International
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