Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Men in Ministry, What Track are You on?

Men in Ministry, the track to heaven is a difficult track to follow. It is nearly impossible without support from a brother in the Lord. Recently I was in Japan, on business. During the course of 5 days, I had many meetings in different parts of the country. I traveled by train to the cities for the meetings, once I had landed in Tokyo from San Francisco. The transportation system in Japan is easy to navigate. Train travel is comfortable. Let me get back to my message.

Traveling by train, which I had not done since the 80’s and 90’s when I lived on the east coast, made me realize, the train, on its track, could only travel in one direction. There were a number of stops along the way, but the train was heading in one direction. The trains started out slow then picked up speed in the direction of the destination.

The travel made me think of a new Christian. In the first station, the person accepts the Lord as Savior and agrees to follow and obey. The ultimate destination is heaven. The person goes through life and stops at many stations. The stations can be those that strengthen their faith. It could be another man or women who encourages and strengthens the person’s faith, it could be a loving Pastor who loves the Lord and fills the person with wonderful truth from the Word of God. It could be a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. The person stays on track and completes the journey. At the end of the journey, we all want to hear; "Welcome, good and faithful servant."

I could not help but notice in the Japanese Rail System, on my ticket, was a car number and a seat number. It was essential that I boarded the right car. It was not long before I discovered that the train will break up along the route and sections of the train will go to different destinations. I was very glad that I learned this early in my travels. I learned that boarding the right car, on the right train, in the initial station, early in the journey, certainly made my travel much easier. Most times I had to walk a little distance to board the right car in the initial station.

Men in Ministry it is up to us to lead men to the right car and make the walk with them. We need support them in their life work to stay on the right track. Important also to help them visit the stations that will support their work. Not my job, you might say. Jesus said; the second great commandment is love your neighbor as yourself. I love myself. I am going to work to stay on the track, stopping at stations that build my faith so that I reach the prize. If I love my neighbor as I am commanded, I will work my entire life so that my neighbors also get on the right car and stop at dedicated stations of support, so that they too reach the goal and win the prize.

The track to heaven is the only track to be on and stay on with our neighbors for our entire life.

Frank Slovenec is the founder and leader of Glad Tidings Men's Ministry International.
www.gtmmi.com  Love God and Make his love known though love for family, ministry work and each other. 
Men in Ministry

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