Men in Ministry, I have a few questions.
- Do you commit murder in your house?
- Do you have sex in your living room, in front of your children?
- Do you sell drugs in your living room?
- Do you use drugs in your living room?
- Do you practice witchcraft in your home?
- Do you get drunk in your home?
I hope the answer to these questions is no. Well let us examine the answer before we jump to a no.
Protect the Purity of Children and the Purity of Your Heart |
Do any of the shows that on your TVs promote, cussing, alcohol, sex, witchcraft or drugs?
Do any of the shows in your home promote cussing or denial of Jesus as Lord and Saviour?
Are we limited in what we can watch? Men in Ministry we are, the path is narrow, many are called few are chosen.
The other night for no good reason Bill O’Reilly, the proclaimed Catholic, made it a point to show a conversation he had with Don Imus. In the conversation, Bill denied Jesus as Saviour. He called Jesus a liar by his statement. He said he did not think the people in New Guinea would get a hearing of the Gospel. He continued to say if you are good you will go to heaven. He also said there is more than one way to heaven Jesus is not the only way. This denies Jesus and the need for the cross which we know is not true.
What kind of stuff is leaking into your mind and the minds of your children? If a sin is shown as being OK or normal it is wrong!
The other day my daughter asked my granddaughter an innocent question and my granddaughter said “hell no”. Not words that are used in my daughters home. Where did it come from? My daughter and son in law decided from some TV show. The TV watch list was reviewed and revised.
Hot coals in your lap will burn you even coals that are not so hot.
Proverbs 6: 27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? 28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?
Open a window to the acceptance of sin and it will destroy you.
Just one look at a photo on the web, a fire starts with a spark.
In the name of Jesus cancel the sin that has been allowed into your home. Cancel, in the Name of Jesus, any generational sin that has been inherited from parents, grand parents go 7 generations back. Cancel, in the Name of Jesus any generational sin that has been passed from you to children, grandchildren to 7 generation forward.
Have your children or your wife seen you daily on your knees praying? Have they seen you every day studying your Bible? Are you the first one to be ready for the church service? Are you in total support of your pastor? Are you unwavering, never making the slightest negative comment about him or her? Have you explained the tithe of money and time to your family. Has your family witnessed your tithe.
Is there compromise anywhere in your life? The Bible tells us that sin will come into the light and be exposed.
Pat Schatzline just spent an amazing three days at Glad Tidings. In the 3 days, he preached all out, 5 times. He said many valuable things, I have 10 pages of notes. One of his statements: “You cannot dance with the devil and serenade the cross.” In other words: Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
We know God is good. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Prayer is Powerful!
Let us love the Lord our God with all our Hearts, obey His commands and do what pleases Him.