Thursday, July 11, 2013

When there is Church, You Go to Church

Men in Ministry, the church is not the building it is the local body of Christ, us!

Men in Ministry, is there a way to run the race to win, without using all the tools that Jesus gives us?  The Holy Spirit, good teaching and preaching, prayer and Bible Study are the key tools that Jesus left for the Christian. The path we are to live is narrow and difficult. The world has so much to offer us in carnal pleasure or simple distractions.


Is it weird to get up on Sunday morning and go to church rather than doing so many other things? Is it even weirder to plan your life around the church services? Going to church on Wednesday, we call it the Oasis, is always hard for friends and co-workers to understand.

Be and Example
 for the Youth
What is the priority? Is your prayer time, are the church services scheduled in to your calendar so that you are aware of the commitment.  What is the first priority? Is it a business meeting or dinner,  is it a sporting event, is it a party or is it obeying God?

There are many excuses to skip church. Seldom are we in such a situation that God would agree is more important than being in a scheduled church service. To be like Christ strive toward the desire of the Lord, which is for us t
Hear Great Preaching/Teaching
o be one like He and the Father are one. John 17 is the public prayer that Jesus prayed for all believers. Jesus says, “I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours.”  So Jesus as He prepares to go to the brutal death on the cross prays for all believers. Jesus goes on to be very specific. Here, he describes a unified congregation as the desire of His heart. “ I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me so that they may be one as we are one.”

How can we possibly be one as Jesus and the Father are one, without being together under one earthly God delegated leader, the Pastor? Jesus prays at the very end of His time on earth for us to be one. He knows all things and He knows that we cannot win the race without being unified, seeking, worshiping and encouraging each other in Christ.
Worship Together

The power of Pentecost is in obedience to the direction of the Lord which disciples practiced by being together in prayer and fasting. Jesus in acts told the disciples to wait, do not leave Jerusalem. “When the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place.” Acts 2:1: The disciples became unified in that room, in Jerusalem. We know 120 people were together when the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of tongues of fire. He did this to give the disciples the power that Jesus spoke of before He ascended to the right hand of God. The power that Jesus said would be used to do greater things the He did. How many were in the room on the first day, was 300 or 500? On the 10th day the unified 120, the faithful we prayed together under the leadership of the Apostles received the power of the Holy Spirit and changed the world.

Men in Ministry, Schedule all the church services on your calendar to be sure schedule conflicts are avoided

Jesus went to the Temple; the place of meeting it was Jesus’ regular practice to be in these places on the Sabbath. (Reference Luke 4:16) Men in Ministry, we need to be in our local church, when there is church. Be there unified with all of our brothers and sisters, worshiping God, to studying His Word, encouraging each other and being obedient to God’s commands and do what pleases Him.

We are the church!

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