Thursday, March 14, 2013

Glad Tidings Men In Ministry Neighborhood Prayer Groups

The Glad Tidings Men in Ministry Neighborhood Prayer Groups have one objective that is to develop a large group of Holy Spirit Led Men who Pray and Study the Bible. If men are spirit led, the results are men who obey God’s commands and do what pleases Him. In the natural, we aim to bring all of San Francisco to Jesus Christ. In the supernatural, we are storming the gates of heaven and warring in the heavens. Thy Kingdom Come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  As of this writing we have 9 active groups, throughout the city of San Francisco. 

Shortly we will have a group within walking distance for every man in San Francisco.

Men in Ministry the neighborhood groups are having a stunning impact on the men and on the City of San Francisco. The testimony of men opening up and talking about life continues to be the best outcome of the groups. When the men open up they are talking about their prayer life all the things that get in the way of daily prayer. The result from each man is nothing should get in the way of prayer and Bible  Study. Nothing is more valuable than spending quality time with God doing what pleases Him by understanding the will of God for each one of us through consistent, daily prayer and Bible Study.

The Neighborhood Groups are using The Power of Prayer by RA Torrey as the basis for the meetings.  The true basis is the Bible, which is the foundation for RA Torrey’s Book. Torrey is candid, he writes as though he is talking to each one of us about our individual commitment to time with God. One of his examples is a man in the waiting room preparing to meet with the Queen of England. That man is not thinking of how much time must I spend with the Queen he is thinking how much time does the Queen have to spend with me. We know God listens to us he will spend as much time with us as we want to spend with Him. He gives us His undivided attention. Psalm 40: “I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.” God makes all the time in the world available for us and He gives us His undivided attention when we ask for it.

The groups have a format to promote fellowship (go here for a guide to Men's Neighborhood Groups) and emphasize a personal prayer and Bible Study Life. Less than 20% of Church attending Christians read the Bible daily. This will change as a result of the men’s small groups, one man at a time. By changing this dynamic, we are changing the city of San Francisco and the world.

RA Torrey tells us that a person cannot be a praying Christian without being a Bible Studying Christian they are inseparable.

Men in Ministry, is it possible to be a disciple of Christ without being a praying Bible studying man?

Glad Tidings Men in Ministry International

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