Thursday, April 12, 2012

Men in Ministry: What are we doing?

This past weekend we had a very well received Men's Ministry Core Leadership meeting for Glad Tidings San Francisco. It was great. The objective of the meeting was to get all the men on the same page as the leadership. We had a dinner of sausage and potato salad, good fellowship and a planned out meeting. It took place on Sunday night after a long day so I committed to just 90 minutes and we finished in less time.

Let me explain the core leadership concept: Glad Tidings Men's Ministry International has a leadership team of 3 "senior" leaders. These are the guys who are consistent in showing up to leadership meetings and creating the vision the action plans for the ministry. Most important these are the guys who with this consistent leadership role are living their lives in such a way that they are practicing iron sharpens iron. The next level of leadership is the Core Leadership. This consists of 10 to 15 men who are committed and will carry the message forward. They will be consistent participants and take on facilitation and small group leadership roles. They live for Christ as a good example and are in the iron sharpens iron category. With the leadership group formed this way it is effective to get the messages out and have the ministry talked up one on one!
Back to the meeting, we did many things to organize the ministry for the year. The center was to have each man, in leadership and in the core, to sign a "contract" committing to the ministry. The contract looked like this:
As a leader with Men in Ministry at Glad Tidings and GTMMI you are willing to make the following commitments.
1. Fully support Vision 2012
a. Honor your pledge on time
b. Actively support the vision as expressed by Pastor Beiser
2. Tithe
3. Commit to reading the One Year Bible everyday
4. Pray for the Glad Tidings Leadership everyday
5. Pray daily for the youth and Teen Challenge
6. Support GTMMI and the activities
All the men signed the contract! We will follow up to remind the men, in love, to keep the agreement they made. If they fall off just get right back up and start again, that is OK.

In addition to the contract we brain stormed at each table (31 men, 6 tables) about things we should do in 2012. Then each tabled narrowed their list to 2 activities then 2 people from the table took responsibility to make each of the top 2 activities successful. The result is 12 good activities that everyone agreed to and 24 leaders heading them up. Ministry leaders die a painful death when they try to do everything themselves.

We also had some of the youth leaders participate. I want them to see how Godly Men act and the commitments they make and keep.

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