Sunday, April 1, 2012

Men in Ministry, Evangelism Study

For the past few weeks, the Men in Ministry at Glad Tidings Church have been conducting a Bible Study on evangelism. We are using, Making Your Life Count; Living on Purpose Evangelism for the study guide and the book Face to Face with God, by Jim Maxim for its testimony and examples.
On each Saturday, we have about 35 men that come to the study. The study will be 6 Saturdays. Each Saturday by a different man leads the study. The participation through the first three weeks has been good.
This is a proper subject but also a difficult one because most of us avoid or miss the opportunities which the Holy Spirit presents to us for evangelism.
The Great Commission was the subject of the discussion this past Saturday. Matthew 28:19-20: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
The Great Commission at its application directly to us inspired a number of opinions. We have to be ready was the most popular opinion. Ready, from their perspective, is to have plenty of Bible Versus memorized, which is a marvellous thing to do.
Not so! If we try to out Bible someone we will, more than likely get slaughtered. The devil knows the word of God. I advocate that we are ready. We simply have to give testimony to what Jesus has done in our lives and let the person know that Jesus loves them. In fact, He died a brutal for them. That is it.
The men in the study range from new Christians to long time Christian Men. One of the newer Christian Men came up with the best analogy. He said if we were only ready for bunny slopes, the Holy Spirit would provide us with bunny slope situations for witness. As we gain confidence, we will experience greater challenges. Wow! This was great! Jesus said; "and surely I am with you." Jesus loves us. He is with us. The Holy Spirit is the Paraclete, which means along side. Paul tells us do not worry about what to say. The Holy Spirit will give us the words.
This was great. So we agreed, that we need to pray to the Holy Spirit to show us who He wants us to witness too. Then we need to pray to the Holy Spirit to give us the confidence and the words to follow his direction.
The Bible Study is Saturday Morning. The following Sunday two of the less seasoned Christian men came to me, between services on Sunday to tell me that it worked! What they meant was they both used the teaching and were each able to witness that Saturday afternoon and pray the sinners pray with their now new friend.
When a Bible Study produces immediate results it is overwhelming. The results demonstrate God's Work. In this example, the results, which 9 guys witnessed, were extraordinary!
Men in Ministry

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