Monday, April 23, 2012

Men in Ministry Waiting on God

Levis Hernandez the Missionary to Nicaragua
In 2010 Glad Tidings Church took 41 people on a Mission Trip to Nicaragua. The trip was amazing. The learning experience of waiting on God to give us the destination was unbelievable. Here is part of the story

It started with “d-Class” discipleship class, early Sunday mornings. The purpose of the class is to learn obedience, holiness, process, priorities and to prepare everyone for the trip. This is where iron sharpens iron. The study is rich. The commitment of the people is evident. We washed cars and worked together to raise money and build camaraderie. Still there was not a country on Pastor’s Heart. We prayed together and worked hard together. We studied French. It was likely that the country we would go to in Africa would be French speaking. I was hoping for Burkina Faso as my friend, Barkwende Sawadogo, was from Burkina and I wanted to see where he grew-up. At the same time visit his Father John-Baptiste Sawadogo and his mother Marie Rose. I had not seen his parents for since his wedding, 2 years earlier. Lisa and Barkwende have gotten pregnant, since the planning began. Naomi would be born a few weeks before we leave for Nicaragua. The mission’s team stayed pretty much together during this time with optimism as to where we would go. Pastor announced the dates for the trip in December 2009. He told us about how much it would cost. There was still no decision on the destination. Pastor is decisive and direct. In this case God was just not speaking on the location he was speaking on preparation. It takes discipline to go into an environment that is in deep poverty and spiritually aggressive. We would prepare to conduct spiritual warfare; there is no such thing as enough prayer, enough Bible Memorization and enough dependence on God. Never enough!

January 12, 2010, 4:53 PM sent us to Nicaragua. This is the date of possibly the most horrific earthquake tragedy the world has every seen. On Sunday January 17th, Pastor said; "we may not be going to Africa." His heart is for Africa. Everyone knew how painful this revelation was for him. We knew we were not going to Africa. There was somewhere God wanted us, but it would not be Africa.

Pastor thought for sure it was Haiti. They needed us. We had 5 ministry teams prepared to go and minister. We had a connection through Convoy of Hope. They had been on the ground in Haiti for 18 years. They were there, we were connected and this must be the country. Two families in our church were from Haiti it seemed a natural.

Convoy did not need us in Haiti, they needed us in Nicaragua.

The two weeks leading up to the Nicaragua Trip were unbelievable. Starting with the Youth Convention and Pat Shatzline. Lives changed every night. Sunday 7-18-2010, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was out of town and could only attend the Wednesday meeting. The meeting had over 350 people in attendance, on a Wednesday night in the summer! The Holy Spirit moved gently and mightily throughout the meeting changing lives.

A number of things about the trip challenged me. As Pastor would say “get over it." First is spiritual preparation, which after my morning prayer on Monday July 26th, I had a break through to the prayer preparation as to how to pray and what to pray. The second challenge is the total lack of a schedule for the trip other than the flight schedule. Obedience and following are essential. I had another break through when I realized that being a servant requires blind obedience.

The Wednesday before we are leaving, July 28th. I was getting ready to take a red eye to Boston for a one day meeting. The flight would leave at 10:50 PM. Oasis is essential I did not realize how powerful not only to me but to the Nicaragua Team, Glad Tidings and San Francisco.

I was late getting to Glad Tidings arriving about 7:20 PM. Worship was in full swing with 100's of people in the service was a bit overwhelming in a good way. It seemed to be a healthy mix of people. They were singing a new song. The presence of God was evident. The mix of people men, women, youth ..there was a difference about the place that was strongly evident as I entered. (I wrote this on the plane on the way to Boston, United 180 seat 12E)

Pastor Tim talked of the realness of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Beiser closed with simple stories of his experience of multiple realizations of the Holy Spirit, for him, during the meetings. He spoke of how he questioned Pat Shatzline's methods. He specially questioned “The Alabama Door.” He questioned it until he saw the Holy Spirit in action because of the expectations people had as they stepped over the threshold and were “blasted” by the Holy Spirit.

During the Pat Shatzline meetings, Pat said things to Pastor that were then immediately verified. One was of a little girl, who was not little anymore, but when she was 8 God told her would experience revival. The person was in the congregation. She had recounted to Pastor this word from God prior to the meeting. She was 8 years, when she received the word at the time of this meeting she is over 50. This was a testimony that Pastor recounted on this night.

Pastor stopped as he walked in the “pit” in front of the sanctuary as he often does when drawing the audience close to a message, a mission or a testimony. He then called Tim away from the electric keyboard replaced him with Pastor Isaiah, called Pastor Nathan and Pastor Catherine, the 8 year old girl to the front with him and simply asked people to come forward for prayer.

I knew I needed to be there and went quickly because I had a plane to catch. I stood in Pastor’s line. I was 4th in line. I do not know who was directly in front of me. Pastor prayed for the first two people and while I believe the Holy Spirit had an impact it was not visible, as a matter of fact the first person walked away and looked a little disappointed. I began to pray, eyes closed to block distraction. I was expecting God trying to block the mind distraction, praying for a new, fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.

I could feel movement around me. I prayed calling out in my spirit for a new, fresh filling. I was touched in a different way it was like a bolt of energy blew me backwards off of my feet. This was not after any audible prayer I just felt a touch. I was blown backwards on to the floor. On the floor, I could feel people around me. I was unwilling and unable to get up. Unwilling because I wanted more, unwilling because I wanted what I experienced not to end, I was at peace with everything. There is no other way to say it but peace came over me and continued.

A few minutes might have passed. I got to my feet a little wobbly I was glowing in my spirit. I have never experienced such a deliberate move of the Holy Spirit. It was fresh and new. I sat on the plane waiting for it to take-off I was still experiencing the Comforter. I am ready to go to Nicaragua! Holy Spirit, paraclete come you are welcome here.

In the morning on the plane as I arrive in Boston, last night is so real and still vibrant, still fresh and new.

I am flying back from Boston we have practice for the Puppet Ministry tonight I need to learn the songs.

Glad Tidings Men's Ministry International is a ministry of Glad Tidings Church, San Francisco. 

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